Stadtteilzeitung Reininghaus Ausgabe 1A collaboratively made neighborhood quarterly newspaper for a new development area in the city of Graz, Austria.
Organisiert Euch!A comprehensive handbook for people who want to change the world but then have to find rooms, convince politicians, send media releases, keep accounts, or argue in plenary.
Physics of BeautyA music album published as a digital art project. Born from Clemens Wenger's composition work of the past four years.
LandprobeA project about rediscovering the coziness and quietness of life in the countryside. A life closer to nature, of a slow life with less distraction away from the hectic urban centers.
Stille PostA project by young women about womanhood, body, work, money, and belonging. Stille Post explores Cosima Terrasse's most recent work with young women of Favoriten.
The Network WallAn interactive installation made of hand-carved linocut prints of previously laser-cut cardboards. Each card explores notions of identity, life struggles, questions of belonging.
Wie wir wohnenA project about flat swapping and blind dates to explore different forms of living in the city of Vienna. A toolkit to help participants document and analyse their stay.
Dance of UrgencyAn exhibition exploring the values of dance floors, clubs, and dance in general as a symbol in contemporary society by proposing a rich collection and variety of works.
EphestoA marketing and communication agency based in Catania and taking inspiration from the legends around Etna volcano.
The Ground TourA collection of essays on a journey starting in Vienna, cruising the outskirts of Rome, touching ground in Prato and Florence on the way to the depths of the Venice Lagoon.